Sunday 7 June 2009

False eyelashes

The sole purpose of this picture is to show you my eyes, nothing else! I've recently bought myself a pair of falsies and loving it! Too much hardwork though - well not too bad for a first-timer!

Don't think I'm bothered using it everyday - maybe when there's a big occasion or something yes I'd definitely consider using it because it does do wonders and open up eyes but then again it does feel a bit too much at the same time! Maybe not on pictures but in real life it does feel that way! Maybe I'm not used to seeing myself having it on just yet.


  1. you look great with it. Too bad my eye is sensitive to fake eye lash. last time when I had it, my eyes went itchy afterwards. T.T

  2. really? It's probably the glue causing a reaction. Could try a different glue maybe.
